Saturday, October 14, 2006

Creating Value for Your Spouse

How many of us have ever heard some one speaking badly about their wife or husband; usually when the spouse isn't there? We often hear people talk about their supposedly loved one in terms such as: “He is such a pig!” “She is a real idiot.” We’ve all heard it. Some of us are even guilty to have done it!

Whenever I witness such behavior, I make a point of asking the person doing it the following questions: "What would be the most important decision you have made in your life?" Choosing a mate, along with choosing one's profession, are probably among the most important decision we make in our life. I then make the person realize that if his or her spouse is such an idiot, why is it that she or he would have made such a bad decision by choosing them?!!

One of the worst thing we can do is to de-edify our spouse in front of our children. What this does is it gives our children (or for that matter anybody else) permission to do the same with our spouse or with us. Since familiarity usually breeds contempt, when we have been with a spouse for a number of years, we kind of know him or her too much, almost to the point where they have stopped being special.

Do you feel that you could use better words to speak to or about your spouse?


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